My first show! / by Adam Burke

It's kind of fun writing a blog that nobody reads, it's like entertaining yourself.

Well, I had a successful first showing of my work.  The show is currently still running, but the reception was on June 14th.  It's a group show at the Aria Salon on Capitol Hill.  I had a lot of fun.  My friends showed up so I was able to spend time with them, and really appreciated their support.

It's really weird to have strangers looking at your work.  Especially when they don't know I am watching them and intently listening for any praise/shade.  One woman commented that my butterfly drawing was "beautiful" and I thanked her.  She was excited to meet me.  It is nerve wracking to observe people taking in your art. I liked watching the faces.

I was more nervous about my drawings.  I didn't think I would ever have an opportunity to display those drawings due to their blatant nudity.  It's nice to live in a community that doesn't care about that.

A have a few more shows coming up, so stay tuned!   2018 is the year of presentation! 
